Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of filiform needles into tissue to promote healing, stimulate fascia, improve blood flow, and support the central nervous system.
With a history spanning thousands of years, it’s proven effective for pain management, stress response, digestive issues, insomnia, infertility, and trauma recovery.
Enjoy the added bonus of complimentary aromatherapy to enhance your overall experience.
3 one hour sessions are recommended for full benefit.
The first session is 90 minutes and includes a 30 minute evaluation.
Arrive 10 -15 minutes early to unwind in our mindfulness room and enjoy "a little" hot tea and warm shoulder wrap to prepare you for your session. We want you to enjoy every minute of the time you have gifted yourself.
Experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with our 10 or 15 minute Aqua Massage to warm your muscles BEFORE your scheduled session. Please come in at least 20 minutes before your scheduled massage.
Lauren Windingstad
Lauren is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Minnesota and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine Theory from Northwestern Health Sciences University. She has been in practice since 2017. Over her 7 years of experience, she has treated men, women, grandmas, grandpas, teenagers, and children for a variety of health conditions. She is especially gentle when treating those that are nervous to try acupuncture.
Lauren has experience treating many different types of conditions, but especially enjoys working with hormonal imbalance and infertility in both men and women. One of her biggest joys is coaching women with hormonal imbalance to help them achieve their best outcomes. She has treated sports injuries, fibromyalgia, and painful inflammatory conditions like tendonitis. Lauren finds it very meaningful to work with people suffering from anxiety and depression, and notes that acupuncture is one modality of healing for mental illnesses - dietary guidance, exercises, and breathing techniques all work together with acupuncture to improve mental health. Lauren sees acupuncture as a system of medicine that treats imbalances between organ systems, meaning that acupuncture is helpful for any condition. Additionally, acupuncture is an integrative therapy that works very well when paired with other medical practices such as chiropractic, physical therapy, and pharmaceuticals.
Aside from practicing acupuncture, myofascial release, and fire cupping, she enjoys an active lifestyle with her husband Daniel. Together they like to longboard, paddleboard, and go hiking. She loves to “nerd out” over Pokemon Go and Magic the Gathering cards, and they have two pet bunnies, Bill and June, who love to run around in the yard.
Lauren has experience treating many different types of conditions, but especially enjoys working with hormonal imbalance and infertility in both men and women. One of her biggest joys is coaching women with hormonal imbalance to help them achieve their best outcomes. She has treated sports injuries, fibromyalgia, and painful inflammatory conditions like tendonitis. Lauren finds it very meaningful to work with people suffering from anxiety and depression, and notes that acupuncture is one modality of healing for mental illnesses - dietary guidance, exercises, and breathing techniques all work together with acupuncture to improve mental health. Lauren sees acupuncture as a system of medicine that treats imbalances between organ systems, meaning that acupuncture is helpful for any condition. Additionally, acupuncture is an integrative therapy that works very well when paired with other medical practices such as chiropractic, physical therapy, and pharmaceuticals.
Aside from practicing acupuncture, myofascial release, and fire cupping, she enjoys an active lifestyle with her husband Daniel. Together they like to longboard, paddleboard, and go hiking. She loves to “nerd out” over Pokemon Go and Magic the Gathering cards, and they have two pet bunnies, Bill and June, who love to run around in the yard.